Automobile industry一Dongfeng Nissan


Based on the current situation of Dongfeng Nissan manufacturing system, in line with the development trend of automobile industry, plan and build Dongfeng Nissan intelligent factory, establish a highly operable intelligent manufacturing system, and ensure that it will be advanced and become the industry benchmark in the next three to five years.

Scope of consultation:

  • Investigation and analysis on the application status of business process and intelligent manufacturing system application system;
  • Maturity evaluation and demand analysis of intelligent manufacturing system;
  • Intelligent manufacturing business process architecture scheme design;
  • Intelligent manufacturing application system architecture and data flow scheme design;
  • The master plan for the next five years and the implementation plan for the next three years.

Project benefits:

  • manufacturing leadtime -35%;
  • overall equipment effectiveness +18%;
  • manufacturing cost -30%;
  • Inventory in process  -55%;
  • On time delivery rate 98%;
  • equipment failure rate -40%.

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