Daily chemical industry一Botanee


According to the strategic development requirements of Botanee Group and in line with the development trend of the skin care industry, we plan to build a new intelligent factory for Bettany, from the overall value stream planning to the detailed design of specific data integration, to ensure the high operability of the new factory and build a benchmark intelligent factory for the skin industry.

Scope of consultation:

Value stream diagnosis, assessment and planning;

Business data system integration planning;

Integrated display monitoring and control system planning;

DCS, SCADA, MES, EMS, PEMS, BMS system planning and bidding requirements description;

Industrial network and network security planning;

Suggestions on phased implementation of the project and budget evaluation report;

Project benefits:

production efficiency +30%

manufacturing cycle-35%

Quality compliance +10%

overall equipment effectiveness +20%

Electronic level of batch records 90%

Inventory in process -30%

Plan achievement rate 100%

equipment failure rate -10%

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