Food industry一COFCO Sugar

Project Introduction:

Based on the current development status of sugar manufacturing and the enterprise strategy,  we plan and design a comprehensive integration and upgrading project for the modeling, automation and informatization of sugar manufacturing line. To reduce production costs, improve the overall collaborative operation capability of the production line, integrate automation and informatization, and interconnect production information.

Scope of consultation:

Benchmarking of advanced enterprise informatization achievements in the same industry at home and abroad;

Planning and bidding requirements description of MES, WMS, PEMS, PICS, LIMS big data platform, industrial data center and network security system;

Overall network architecture design;

Overall investment budget report of the project.

Project Benefits:

manufacturing cycle -35%;

Data visualization 100%;

operating costs -8%

Plan achievement rate100%;

overall equipment effectiveness +20%;

Inventory in process -15%;

Inventory accuracy 100%.

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