Manufacturing一Midea Refrigerator

Midea Refrigerator Injection Molding Intelligent Logistics Project—Hefei, China

Customer Background & Project Objectives

Customer background

Hefei Refrigerator Injection Molding Factory is located in Baohe District in Hefei City. In order to meet the market demand, improve the intelligence and digitalization of the factory, reduce costs and increase efficiency, and comprehensively transform and upgrade the warehousing and logistics of the original factory

Project objectives

Reduce the labor cost of production line distribution and finished product warehousing, solve the problems of messy material placement and difficult material retrieval and inventory caused by manual management in the consumables area and finished product area, and improve the floor area ratio of flat warehouse at the same time


Create a new generation of intelligentlogistics

Scope of supply

● 10 sets of KMP 600i

● 2 forklifts AMR

● 6 four-way shuttles with WCS and WMS systems

● K-MReS software platform


● 10 KMP 600i and K-MReS software platforms are coordinated and dispatched to realize intelligent obstacle avoidance and multiple safety protection to ensure driving safety

● Build a three-dimensional warehouse with 1000 + location, equipped with 6 four-way shuttle cars and matched with WCS and WMS systems

Customer Benefits

● The floor area ratio of finished products storage increased by 2.6 times, realizing digital management of storage system

● 8 workers are saved, and the warehouse automation rate can reach 100%

● 7x24 hours, all-weather, full-process operation

● Realize unmanned warehousing and production line docking, and improve logistics capacity and efficiency

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